Ikea continues its journey to a Circular Furniture Economy

Ikea continues its journey to a Circular Furniture Economy 1

Was great to see major brands changing their operations to be part of the circular economy and tackle consumption and waste.

Making the furniture sector fully circular and having a positive impact on people and the planet is a tall order. Furniture Link is already collaborating and partnering with retailers to go beyond ‘just circular’ or ‘zero waste’ and work with a network of furniture banks who can reuse, recover, repair, and regift in communities of our most vulnerable families. There are many companies of scale, and all of them are approaching the circular economy, social responsibility and community engagement differently. Congrats to IKEA for leading the way to a ‘social circular economy’!

Raw materials, by far, are the largest part of that footprint, so reusing or recycling materials can have a dramatic impact.

Furniture Banks across North America are reusing these quality items and changing lives while supporting a better environment. We are seeing that by working collaboratively with retailers, can we achieve meaningful change and impact in all parts of the community, beyond the restailers primary customer group.

You can read more here: https://www.fastcompany.com/90328244/inside-ikeas-plan-to-reinvent-itself-as-a-circular-company 



